Acacia Honey (Akazienhonig) - (Glass Jar) Choose from Small or Large
Product Code: honig-acacia-jar-250g
Tax exempt
Our Delicious Natural 'Acacia' Honey is made by our Bees in the South Reine Valley River area in Germany, on the border to France.
Our Bees use the Nectar from the Acacia Blossom to make this delicious Natural Honey.
All of our German Honey is Checked and Approved by the German Beekeeper Association 'Echter Deutscher Honig' (Their Law is the Strictest in the World).
As such, it always comes supplied in the official 'Echter Deutscher Honig' Branded and Embossed Glass Jars, with the Official 'Recyclable' Branded and Embossed Plastic Lids. Furthermore, our Jars ALWAYS feature the Distinctive Green and Yellow 'Echter Deutscher Honig' Labels, which clearly display our Company Details and Batch Control Numbers. This means you can ALWAYS purchase from us in Confidence...
Our Honey is 100% Natural, we guarantee that it has never been heat-treated, pasteurized, or processed, not even micro-filtered, this is to ensure that our Honey, keeps its natural goodness. It is full of pollens, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals to support your natural health.
The colour of Acacia Honey is crystal clear. The Honey flavor and aroma is unique, with tones of the Acacia flower scent. Acacia Honey tastes sweeter than most Honey, while it's acidity is lower, it is rich in fructose, so it crystallizes slower, staying runny for 1-2 years.
There are said to be several health benefits including:
Immune Boosting
Detoxification, Liver Regenerative
Bone Strength
Acacia Honey contains Robinin and Akacine, which means, that it has a good general disinfectant effect, detoxifying, and can help muscle relaxation.
(Akazie Honig - Acacia Honey)
Additional Information
Our Honey is Supplied in an Official "Echter Deutscher Honig" Embossed Glass Jar, with an Official 'Echter Deutscher Honig' Resealable and Fully Recyclable 'Embossed' Plastic Lid.
Our Jars feature the Distinctive Official "ECHTER DEUTSCHER HONIG" Green and Yellow Labels. These Labels Include our Company Details and the 'Control Number' of our Honey.
All of our Honey is Guaranteed to be 100% Natural - With Nothing Added or Removed. All our Honey is "Made by Bees" and NOT in a Factory.

For EVERY order placed through our website, we will plant a tree to replace the paper packaging we have used, remove carbon from the atmosphere, fund climate projects around the world with our partner, Ecologi, and fight global warming.
It does not cost you a single penny and comes only from our profits.
"The restoration of trees remains among the most effective strategies for climate change mitigation" - Science Magazine.